The SACC commissioned TCI Management Consultants (Toronto) to conduct a detailed feasibility study. The study examined three key questions:
What effects will an Arts and Culture Centre have on the City of Stratford and area?
What is the most appropriate model for the Centre to be developed, owned and operated?
How can the Centre be sustained?
After extensive research, interviews, benchmarking, focus groups, and online surveys, the study was completed on November 30, 2019. The report on the consultants’ findings is positive and supportive of the concept of creating an Arts and Culture Centre for Stratford citizens. You can read the Executive Summary here. Please direct questions and comments to We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible.
We thank our Lead Partner, Stratford Summer Music, for their assistance. We also thank the study’s funders: the Ontario Trillium Foundation, SPARC (Supporting Performing Arts in Rural Communities), and the City of Stratford.